"simulation": {
"markets": ["MarketName", ...],
"agents": ["AgentName", ...],
"sessions": [
"sessionName": str (or anything that can be converted into str),
"iterationSteps": int,
"withOrderPlacement": bool,
"withOrderExecution": bool,
"withPrint": bool,
"highFrequencySubmitRate": float (Optional; default 1.0),
"maxNormalOrders": int (>=0; Optional; default 1),
"maxHighFrequencyOrders": int (>=0; Optional; default 1),
"events": ["EventName"] (Optional)
"fundamentalCorrelations": { # Optional
"pairwise": [
["MarketName1", "MarketName2", float], # fundamentalVolatility is required in both markets
"FundamentalPriceShock": {
"class": "FundamentalPriceShock",
"target": "MarketName",
"triggerTime": int,
"priceChangeRate": float,
"shockTimeLength": int (Optional, default: 1),
"enabled": bool (Optional, default: True)
"PriceLimitRule": {
"class": "PriceLimitRule",
"targetMarkets": ["Market"],
"triggerChangeRate": float required,
"enabled": bool (Optional, default: True)
"TradingHaltRule": {
"class": "TradingHaltRule",
"targetMarkets": ["Market"],
"triggerChangeRate": float required,
"haltingTimeLength": int required,
"enabled": bool (Optional, default: True)
"OrderMistakeShock": {
"class": "OrderMistakeShock",
"target": "Market",
"triggerTime": int required,
"priceChangeRate": float required,
"orderVolume": int required,
"orderTimeLength": int required,
"enabled": bool (Optional, default: True)
"Market": {
"extends": string (Optional),
"class": string,
"tickSize": float,
"numMarket": int (Optional; default 1),
"from": int (Optional; cannot be extended),
"to": int (Optional; cannot be extended; End is included),
"prefix": str (Optional; default is set to dict key),
"tickSize": float required,
"marketPrice": float optional (marketPrice or fundamentalPrice must be specified),
"fundamentalPrice": float optional (marketPrice or fundamentalPrice must be specified),
"fundamentalDrift": float (Optional; default: 0.0),
"fundamentalVolatility": float (Optional; default 0.0),
"outstandingShares": int optional (default 0)
"Agents": {
"class": string,
"numAgents": int (Optional; default 1),
"from": int (Optional; cannot be extended),
"to": int (Optional; cannot be extended; End is included),
"prefix": str (Optional; default is set to dict key),
"markets": ["Market", ...] (Required),
"assetVolume": int (JsonRandom applicable),
"cashAmount": float (JsonRandom applicable)
"FCNAgent": {
"class": "FCNAgent",
"extends": "Agents",
"fundamentalWeight": JsonRandomFormat,
"chartWeight": JsonRandomFormat,
"noiseWeight": JsonRandomFormat,
"noiseScale": JsonRandomFormat,
"timeWindowSize": JsonRandomFormat,
"orderMargin": JsonRandomFormat,
"marginType": "fixed" or "normal" (Optional; default fixed)
"MarketShareFCNAgents": {
"class": "MarketShareFCNAgent",
"extends": "FCNAgent"
"ArbitrageAgent": {
"class": "ArbitrageAgent",
"extends": "Agents",
"orderVolume": int,
"orderThresholdPrice": float,
"orderTimeLength": int (Optional, default 1),
"MarketMakerAgent": {
"class": "MarketMakerAgent",
"extends": "Agents",
"targetMarket": string required,
"netInterestSpread": float required,
"orderTimeLength": int optional; default 2,