Source code for pams.order

import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from typing import cast

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class OrderKind: """Kind of order. This class has an order kind ID and an order name. You should use the following pre-defined order kinds: - MARKET_ORDER - LIMIT_ORDER """ kind_id: int name: str def __repr__(self) -> str: """string representation of this class. Returns: str: string representation of this class. """ return def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """get whether an argument's class is the same as this class or not. Args: other (object): an instance for comparison. Returns: bool: whether the class of the instance is the same as this class or not. """ if other.__class__ != self.__class__: return False other = cast(OrderKind, other) return other.kind_id == self.kind_id def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: """get whether an argument's class is different from this class or not. Args: other (object): an instance for comparison. Returns: bool: whether an argument's class is different from this class or not. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: """get the order kind ID. Returns: int: order kind ID. """ return self.kind_id
MARKET_ORDER = OrderKind(kind_id=0, name="MARKET_ORDER") LIMIT_ORDER = OrderKind(kind_id=1, name="LIMIT_ORDER")
[docs]class Order: """Order class.""" def __init__( self, agent_id: int, market_id: int, is_buy: bool, kind: OrderKind, volume: int, placed_at: Optional[int] = None, price: Optional[float] = None, order_id: Optional[int] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, ): """initialization. Args: agent_id (int): agent ID. market_id (int): market ID. is_buy (bool): whether the order is buy order or not. kind (:class:`pams.order.OrderKind`): kind of order. volume (int): order volume. placed_at (int, Optional): time step that the order is placed. (Set by market. Please do not set it in agent) price (float, Optional): order price. order_id (int, Optional): order ID. (Set by market. Please do not set it in agent) ttl (int, Optional): time to order expiration. """ if kind == MARKET_ORDER and price is not None: raise ValueError("price have to be None when kind is MARKET_ORDER") if kind == LIMIT_ORDER and price is None: raise ValueError("price have to be set when kind is LIMIT_ORDER") if price is not None and price <= 0: warnings.warn("price should be positive") if volume <= 0: raise ValueError("volume have to be positive") if ttl is not None and ttl <= 0: raise ValueError("ttl have to be positive or None") self.agent_id: int = agent_id self.market_id: int = market_id self.is_buy: bool = is_buy self.kind: OrderKind = kind self.volume: int = volume self.placed_at: Optional[int] = placed_at self.price: Optional[float] = price self.order_id: Optional[int] = order_id self.ttl: Optional[int] = ttl self.is_canceled: bool = False
[docs] def check_system_acceptable(self, agent_id: int) -> None: """check system acceptable. (Usually, markets automatically check it.) Args: agent_id (int): agent ID. Returns: None """ if agent_id != self.agent_id: raise AttributeError("agent_id is fake") if self.placed_at is not None: raise AttributeError( "this order is already submitted to a market or placed_at have to be set to None" ) if self.is_canceled is True: raise AttributeError("this order is already canceled")
[docs] def is_expired(self, time: int) -> bool: """get whether the order is expired or not. Args: time (int): time to order expiration. Returns: bool: whether the order is expired or not. """ if self.placed_at is None: raise Exception("this order is not yet placed to a market") if self.ttl is None: return False else: return self.placed_at + self.ttl < time
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} | id={self.order_id}, kind={self.kind}, " f"is_buy={self.is_buy}, price={self.price}, volume={self.volume}, agent={self.agent_id}, market={self.market_id}, " f"placed_at={self.placed_at}, ttl={self.ttl}, is_canceled={self.is_canceled}>" ) def _check_comparability(self, other: object) -> None: if self.__class__ != other.__class__: raise NotImplementedError( f"not supporting the comparison between Order and {other.__class__}" ) other = cast(Order, other) if self.is_buy != other.is_buy: raise ValueError( "not supporting the comparison between sell and buy orders" ) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: self._check_comparability(other) other = cast(Order, other) return ( self.order_id == other.order_id and self.price == other.price and self.placed_at == other.placed_at and self.is_buy == other.is_buy and self.kind == other.kind ) def _gt_lt(self, other: object, gt: bool = True) -> bool: # high priority is less self._check_comparability(other) other = cast(Order, other) def _compare_placed_at(a: Order, b: Order) -> bool: if a.placed_at is None and b.placed_at is None: raise ValueError("orders still not placed cannot be compared") elif a.placed_at is None: return True if gt else False elif b.placed_at is None: return False if gt else True else: if a.placed_at != b.placed_at: return ( (a.placed_at > b.placed_at) if gt else (a.placed_at < b.placed_at) ) else: if a.order_id is None or b.order_id is None: raise ValueError("orders still not placed cannot be compared") return ( (a.order_id > b.order_id) if gt else (a.order_id < b.order_id) ) if self.kind == MARKET_ORDER and other.kind == MARKET_ORDER: return _compare_placed_at(a=self, b=other) elif self.kind == MARKET_ORDER: return False if gt else True elif other.kind == MARKET_ORDER: return True if gt else False else: if self.kind != LIMIT_ORDER or other.kind != LIMIT_ORDER: raise NotImplementedError else: if self.price is None or other.price is None: raise AssertionError if self.price != other.price: if self.is_buy: return ( (self.price < other.price) if gt else (self.price > other.price) ) else: return ( (self.price > other.price) if gt else (self.price < other.price) ) else: return _compare_placed_at(a=self, b=other) def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._gt_lt(other, gt=True) def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._gt_lt(other, gt=False) def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other) def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self.__eq__(other) or self.__gt__(other)
[docs]class Cancel: """Cancel order class.""" def __init__(self, order: Order, placed_at: Optional[int] = None): """initialization. Args: order (:class:`pams.order.Order`): order. placed_at (int, Optional): time step that the order is canceled. Returns: None """ self.order: Order = order self.placed_at: Optional[int] = placed_at def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} | placed_at={self.placed_at}, order={self.order}>" @property def agent_id(self) -> int: """getter for agent ID. Returns: int: agent ID. """ return self.order.agent_id @property def market_id(self) -> int: """getter for market ID. Returns: int: market ID. """ return self.order.market_id
[docs] def check_system_acceptable(self, agent_id: int) -> None: """check system acceptable. (Usually, markets automatically check it.) Args: agent_id (int): agent ID. Returns: None """ if agent_id != self.order.agent_id: raise AttributeError("canceling other's order") if self.placed_at is not None: raise AttributeError( "this cancel order is already submitted to a market or placed_at have to be set to None" ) if self.order.is_canceled is True: raise AttributeError("this order is already canceled")